In response to a reader's suggestion, we've turned our attention to big league cornholer Tim Cawley, Chief Administrative Officer for CPS and former leader of AUSL turnaround schools.
- CPS Salary: $215,000.000
- Community of Residence: Winnetka
- Value of Winnetka home: $2,650,000.000
- Reason why he lives outside of Chicago:
papal dispensationresidency waiver - Reason why he can afford $2 mil home: Aramark kick-backs
- Amount that Cawley's botched Aramark deal cost CPS: $7 million
- Cawley's previous ed experience: AUSL (Academy for Urban School Leadership) Managing Director; AUSL is a "non-profit [wink wink] that partners with CPS to turn around chronically-failing schools."
- Amount of $$ funneled into AUSL by Chicago Public Education Fund while Cawley has been employed by CPS: $1,080,000.00
- Per diem fees charged by AUSL for staff members' time: $1000 - $3000 based on staff member senority
Current Donors Choose begging pleas posted by teachers AUSL Turnaround Schools (A-D only) that Tim Cawley has tran$formed:
AUSL Turnaround School: Curtis School of Excellence
- $479: double-wide teaching easel with magnetic upper and lower-case letters
AUSL Turnaround School: Dvorak School of Excellence
- $395: pencils, filler paper, dry erase markers
- $670: document camera
- $275: desktop computer
- $334: iPad Mini
- $528: math games library, dry erase markers
- $469: dictionaries and thesauri
Tim Cawley's answer to the question, "What are you passionate about personally?": "Helping those less fortunate."
If you weren't schooled about Tim Cawley prior to reading, it should now be clear that his excellence lays in his duplicity.
If you weren't schooled about Tim Cawley prior to reading, it should now be clear that his excellence lays in his duplicity.
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