Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Real MisMatch

Hey, David Kirp, you left something really important out of your article about Foreman High School: any mention of real teachers working at the school! The exclusive focus on Match Education and their tutors' alleged lone efforts to improve student achievement in math would lead the casual reader to believe there aren't 15 math teachers already on staff at the school.

Match Education's tutoring program uses, "intensive support, providing a safety net for students who have fallen far behind." Hmm, that description sounds suspiciously like what teachers would do, were it not for overflowing classes and days of test prep, or if they were employed at the Lab School where there's a 10:1 student-teacher ratio. We're told Match Education's tutors even, "individualize instruction." Again, much like a teacher. What else do these latter day Miracle Workers do? They also are, "not only trained to teach math but also in how to relate to these teenagers." Teaching and relating to teens are also what our counselors do.

The real allure of Match Education for Mayor Rahm Emanuel: cha-ching! The tutors earn $16,000 year plus benefits, that's just above the 2014 poverty line. And, no nasty, complicated unions to deal with either. 

Another bonus for Rahm is that Match Education is the brand name of several different entities all aimed at privatizing public education, most notably Match Charter Public Schools, currently invading Boston. Looks like the Chicago invasion has begun since Match tutors already work at Foreman and Match Board member Matthew Vettel used to work for Bruce Rauner's $6 billion dollar a year private equity firm GTCR